The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench. A long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sad But True Trey Songz and I Have Something In Common (Other Than 6-Pac Abs)

I like to think I am an evolved man. Someone who is openly sensitive to the plight and struggle of others (especially other minorities, whether they be based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or enjoyment of "Call Me Maybe" and "Boyfriend" while being straight males over the age of 13). And it is with that, that I am both shocked and a bit saddened at how much I freakin' love Trey Songz's new single "2 Reasons".

Now you may say, "Ken what is there to a shamed about for liking a catchy, up beat, danceable club anthem like '2 Reasons'?" In theory nothing, but it's the actuality that really grinds my gears. I openly consider myself to be somewhat of a lyric snob. One who will analyze and re-analyze the prose of a song gaining just as much enjoyment from their poetry, as I do from knowing that a girl will be able to grind and wind her hind-parts against me with great veracity from its' rhythms. And it is with the snobbishness that I find myself sullen, at my enjoyment of a song whose chorus is no more than a repeat of "Bitches and the Drinks".

Surely I, a refined man of the 21st Century, can't find such great joy in two-stepping to such a misogynistic record? Surely, Trey who came to us initially just "Tryin to Make It" looks for venues that offer more than just these two ambiance builders?

But, then I thought to myself...

"Self, isn't possible that you have had an internal monologue along the lines of 'Sure this bottle of Bud Light cost you $17 dollars, but DAMN!!! Look at all the phat asses in here' or even 'Yes, a good majority of the females in this not so fine establishment look like a cross between Jamie Foxx's Wanda and Martin Lawrence's Shenaynay characters, but these 3 for 1 well drinks, special is off the chain!'" (and yes, my inner monologue still talks like its 2001). Am I too a victim of attending clubs, bars, lounges and other night spopts strictly for the Bitches AND/OR Drinks?

It would appear so.

But as I said, I am a sophisticated man who is both scholar AND gentleman, and will not allow my "Coon Tune" (more on this later) loving innards allow me to debase my feminine counterparts. So, from hence forth I shall treat the chorus of Trey Songz' "2 Reasons" like white kids treat the word "Nigger" in their favorite rap song. Depending on the number of ladies in my vicinity I will either, mumble it under my breath OR change the lyric all together; maybe "Wimminz and the Drinks" or "Females and the Drinks" or how about "Beaches and the Drinks" -- see now its a song about tropical vacations. Nevertheless no longer shall I subject my surroundings to such vulgarities.

Unless of course there's no wimminz around me when it comes on. Then I'm turning that shit up to ignant levels and singin' it at the top of my lungs; cause that record GOES!!!

Peace up! Peace out!

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