The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench. A long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
Hunter S. Thompson

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Yin & Yang of Auto-Pop

Last week I was listening to "Freeze" by T-Pain, mid-way through the song I realized I was singing the lyrics to Ke$ha's "Tik Tok". Now you may be saying to yourself right now "Ken, how'd you know the words to 'Tik Tok' without having the actual song on as a guideline?" - to which I respond, fuck you. Don't judge me, that song is catchy as hell.

It wasn't so much that the two songs were able to match up, we've all done that from time to time. Tempo, rhythm patterns, chord structures; music is practically a set of finite math equations (just go with it), it's inevitable that patterns would match, and songs would synch up regardless. But the more and more I tried this between Ke$ha and T-Pain songs the easier and easier it got. It was with this that I realized something, T-Pain and Ke$ha...ARE THE SAME DAMN PERSON (duhn, duhn, duhn).

Ok obviously I don't mean that literally, she being a blonde white girl from Nashville/L.A.; him a "Nappy Boy" from Jacksonville, FL. But musically, they're total friggin' dopplegangers. The facts are staring us listeners face to (obnoxious sterosunglasses wearing, lazy semi-coked up "looking" eyes, glitter soaked) face. Both artists, for however popular their music may be, produce catchy yet forgetable pop songs. Yes I know that sounds like I'm being a walking - er, blogging contradiction but forgetable in this instance means longevity (I mean when was the last time you were out and heard "I'm In Love With A Stripper"). Both "singers" are a poor man's (with access to an expensive Pro Tools program) version of artists that paved the way (for whatever its worth) within 12-18 months of their own release.

For the self-proclaimed "Rappa Ternt Sanga" (yep, that was the name of T-Pain's debut album, SMDH), it was Akon who released his "Trouble" debut 18 months prior, introducing the R&B/Pop/Hip-Hop loving masses to auto-tune being more than a toy to clean up pitchy vocals, but as a full on artist creator. The "Bartending Stripper" lover, Pain, decided he'd step his game up a notch and with a few clicks of the mouse turned himself into this generation'a Zapp & Roger. (I hesitate to put that reference in there afraid that not many of you have any idea who in the blue hell that is. Normally I'd make some dickish music elitist comment, but since this blog is still pretty fresh and I could really use the support, I'll just say go wikipedia them). As for Ke$ha I think its pretty obvious that she's doing everything in her power to hold on tightly to the Gaga coat tails of pop friendly diva in training with a hint of crazy and a twinge of sexy, in a 3 AM you've been casually eye fucking one another off and on for over an hour, and while you're pretty sure you'll walk away from the experience with more than just a story to tell, you just gotta see if she's as big a freak as she looks, kinda way - she's hitting stronger on the bat-shit crazy scale than pop royalty in the making one. But again "Tik Tok" is REALLY FUCKING CATCHY.

In the end, the biggest reason these two fit side by side in the pop music universe is because they had the foresight to take what was meant to be a simple production tool and turn it into a gimic the likes of which we haven't seen since Kriss Kross and backwards pants. They've turned their vocals into a additional piece of the songs production helping to make it function even better as a singular entity. We forget about the lyrics ("...just zip your lip like a pad lock" again, SMDH), refuse to let our heads break down and over analyze and allow our hearts, feet and asses simply enjoy it for what it is.

Now as far as I can tell, the only place these two Hip-Pop&B powerhouses differ is in their staying power. While no one will ever confuse T-Pain for Stevie Wonder, the man has taken his auto-tuney goodness through hell fire and back, even surviving a movement against Robo-Hip-Hop led by President Carter himself, and continues to make radio friendly club bangers and guest spots on everyone's album that wants a little extra Johnny 5 alive on their hook (again, go wiki that shit, then go watch it, cuz its a classic - "Los Locos kick your ass, Los Locos kick your face, Los Locos kick your balls into OUT-TER-SPAAACE!!!) Sorry for the tangent, but um...back to the lecture at hand...Ke$ha has yet to prove that she can even stick around to see the Sophomore demise most artists in her position come across. But I can tell you this much, I know I'll probably be mixing up her lyrics with another T-Pain song should that second album ever see the light of day, cause damn that shits catchy as hell!

Peace Up, Peace Out

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